Staff members of the institution were deputed as resource persons to the trainings organizedby the State Department of Agriculture under ATMA programme in villages in the districtsof Coimbatore and Tiruppur. In the last five years our faculty members annually attendedmore than 70 training programmes. The major agricultural problems prevalent in the regionare sensitized among farmers through faculty and students. This helps the faculty to carryreal time problems to their lesson plan and bring actual problems to the classrooms to learnand discuss.
Under our collaboration with NABARD, farmer-training programmes for the farmers inthe FPCs were carried out in Coimbatore and Tiruppur Districts of Tamil Nadu. Over 25meetings were orgainsed in the farmer fields for the last five years. Soil water conservation,intercropping in coconuts, good management practices and value addition in coconuts weresome of the topics of these meetings. Suitable subject specialists from our faculty membershandled these meetings.
"This institute believes in enabling farming communities to bring about significant changes in their lives by themselves."